The UK involvement in the Estonian War of Independence was:

ca 30 000 personnel
killed in action – 111
15 graves in military cemetery, Tallinn.


1 x grave in cemetery, Kuresaaare.
Prisoners of War – 9 sailors

Total of 238 ships
28 light cruisers 
85 destroyers 
20 submarines 
1 aircraft carrier
1 monitor 
2 minelayers
18 minesweepers 
10 coastal motorboats 
4 depot ships
74 cargo ships 
1 fleet auxiliary 
Losses - ships: 
1 light cruiser (Cassandra)
2 destroyers (Vittoria and Verulam) 
1 submarine (L55)
2 mine-sweepers (Gentian and Myrtle)
8 torpedo boats 
3 cargo and auxiliary ships

HMS Cardiff, Rear Admiral Alexander Sinclair’s flagship

HMS Cassandra struck a mine near Saaremaa and sank on 5 December 1918 

Total of 55 aircraft
Losses – aircraft: 
3 shot down
14 crashed on landing
20 in other circumstances 

Throughout there was an in-load of armaments, including: 

20 artillery pieces
693 machine guns 

26,500 rifles
30 million rounds of ammunition
31,000 rounds of artillery ammunition
Vehicles, telephones and other equipment
Military advisors 
Other supplies delivered
Coal, oil and petrol were also delivered 
550 tonnes of wheat were delivered from the UK when Estonia faced hunger
More info on supplies delivered provided in historic documents below